Google scholar citations
Y. Huang, Q. Lin, Y. Xu. Inexact Moreau Envelope Lagrangian Method for Non-Convex Constrained Optimization under Local Error Bound Conditions on Constraint Functions. Submitted, 2025. [arXiv]
W. Liu, M. Khan, G. Mancino-Ball, Y Xu. A stochastic smoothing framework for nonconvex-nonconcave min-sum-max problems with applications to Wasserstein distributionally robust optimization. Submitted, 2025. [arXiv]
W. Liu, Y. Xu. A single-loop SPIDER-type stochastic subgradient method for expectation-constrained nonconvex nonsmooth optimization. Submitted, 2025. [arXiv]
G. Lan, T. Li, Y. Xu. Projected gradient methods for nonconvex and stochastic optimization: new complexities and auto-conditioned stepsizes. Submitted, 2024. [arXiv]
H. Dahal, W. Liu, Y. Xu. Damped Proximal Augmented Lagrangian Method for weakly-Convex Problems with Convex Constraints. Submitted, 2023. [arXiv]
W. Liu, Q. Lin, Y Xu. First-order Methods for Affinely Constrained Composite Non-convex Non-smooth Problems: Lower Complexity Bound and Near-optimal Methods. Submitted, 2023. [arXiv]
G. Mancino-Ball and Y. Xu. Variance-reduced accelerated methods for decentralized stochastic double-regularized nonconvex strongly-concave minimax problems. Submitted, 2023. [arXiv]
Y. Xu. Decentralized gradient descent maximization method for composite nonconvex strongly-concave minimax problems. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 34(1), 1006–1044, 2024. [arXiv] [Sharable ePrint by SIAM]
X. Zhang, G. Mancino-Ball, NS Aybat, Y. Xu. Jointly Improving the Sample and Communication Complexities in Decentralized Stochastic Minimax Optimization. AAAI, 2024. [arXiv]
Z. Li, P. Chen, S. Liu, S. Lu, Y. Xu. Stochastic Inexact Augmented Lagrangian Method for Nonconvex Expectation Constrained Optimization. Computational Optimization and Applications, 87, 117–147, 2024. [arXiv] [published version]
Y. Yan, J. Chen, P. Chen, X. Cui, S. Lu, Y. Xu. Compressed Decentralized Proximal Stochastic Gradient Method for Nonconvex Composite Problems with Heterogeneous Data. ICML, 202:39035–39061, 2023. [arXiv]
G. Mancino-Ball, Y. Xu, J. Chen. A Decentralized Primal-Dual Framework for Non-convex Smooth Consensus Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 71, 525–538, 2023. [arXiv]
N. Zhou, H. Qin, KS Choi, Y. Du, J. Liu, P. Li, X. Huang, K. Chi, Y. Xu. Correntropy based model predictive controller with multi-constraints for robust path trajectory tracking of self-driving vehicle. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 360(10), 6929–6952, 2023.
J. Zhang, H. Chao, A. Dhurandhar, P.Y. Chen, A. Tajer, Y. Xu, P. Yan. Spectral Adversarial MixUp for Few-Shot Unsupervised Domain Adaptation. International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, 728–738, 2023. [arXiv]
G. Mancino-Ball, S. Miao, Y. Xu, J. Chen. Proximal Stochastic Recursive Momentum Methods for Nonconvex Composite Decentralized Optimization. AAAI, 37(7), 9055–9063, 2023. [arXiv]
J. Zhang, H. Chao, A. Dhurandhar, P.Y. Chen, A. Tajer, Y. Xu, P. Yan. When Neural Networks Fail to Generalize? A Model Sensitivity Perspective. AAAI, 37(9), 11219–11227, 2023. [arXiv]
Q. Lin and Y. Xu. Reducing the complexity of two classes of optimization problems by inexact accelerated proximal gradient method. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 33(1), 1–35, 2023. [pdf] [arXiv longer version]
Yangyang Xu and Yibo Xu. Momentum-based variance-reduced proximal stochastic gradient method for composite nonconvex stochastic optimization. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 196, 266–297, 2023. [arXiv] [published version]
Yangyang Xu, Yibo Xu, Y. Yan, C. Sutcher-Shepard, L. Grinberg and J. Chen. Parallel and distributed asynchronous adaptive stochastic gradient methods. Mathematical Programming Computation, 15, 471–508, 2023. [arXiv] [published version]
N. Zhou, K. Choi, B. Chen, Y. Du, J. Liu, Y. Xu. Correntropy-Based Low-Rank Matrix Factorization With Constraint Graph Learning for Image Clustering. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. 34(12), 10433–10446, 2023.
Y. Xu. First-order methods for problems with O(1) functional constraints can have almost the same convergence rate as for unconstrained problems. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 32(3), 1759–1790, 2022. [pdf] [arXiv]
Q. Lin, R. Ma and Y. Xu. Complexity of an inexact proximal-point penalty method for constrained smooth non-convex optimization, Computational Optimization and Applications, 82, 175–224, 2022. [published version] [arXiv]
Yangyang Xu, Yibo Xu, Y. Yan, and J. Chen. Distributed stochastic inertial-accelerated methods with delayed derivatives for nonconvex problems. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 15(2):550–590, 2022. [pdf]
Y. Yan and Y. Xu. Adaptive Primal-Dual Stochastic Gradient Method for Expectation-constrained Convex Stochastic Programs. Mathematical Programming Computation, 14, 319–363, 2022. [published version] [arXiv]
Z. Li, P. Chen, S. Liu, S. Lu, Y. Xu. Zeroth-order Optimization for Composite Problems with Functional Constraints. AAAI, 36(7), 7453–7461, 2022. [arXiv]
Yibo Xu and Yangyang Xu. Katyusha Acceleration for Convex Finite-Sum Compositional Optimization. INFORMS Journal on Optimization, 3(4):418–443, 2021. [arXiv]
Z. Li, P. Chen, S. Liu, S. Lu, Y. Xu. Rate-improved Inexact Augmented Lagrangian Method for Constrained Nonconvex Optimization. AISTATS, 130, 2170–2178, 2021. [arXiv]
Z. Li and Y. Xu. Augmented Lagrangian based first-order methods for convex-constrained programs with weakly-convex objective. INFORMS Journal on Optimization, 3(4):373-397, 2021. [arXiv]
Y. Xu. Iteration complexity of inexact augmented Lagrangian methods for constrained convex programming. Mathematical Programming, Series A, 185, 199–244, 2021. [published version] [arXiv]
Y. Ouyang and Y. Xu. Lower complexity bounds of first-order methods for convex-concave bilinear saddle-point problems. Mathematical Programming, Series A, 185, 1–35, 2021. [published version] [arXiv]
Y. Xu. First-order methods for constrained convex programming based on linearized augmented Lagrangian function. INFORMS Journal on Optimization, 3(1), 89–117, 2021. [published version]
Y. Xu. Primal-dual stochastic gradient method for convex programs with many functional constraints. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 30(2), 1664–1692, 2020. [arXiv] [Slides]
N. Zhou, B. Chen, T. Jiang, Y. Du and Y. Xu. Maximum Correntropy Criterion based Robust Semi-supervised Concept Factorization for Image Representation. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 31(10), 3877–3891, 2020.
C. Wu and Y. Xu. Greedy coordinate descent method on non-negative quadratic programming. 2020 IEEE 11th Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM), pp. 1–5. [arXiv]
T. Sun, Y. Sun, Y. Xu and W. Yin. Markov Chain Block coordinate descent. Computational Optimization and Applications, 75(1), 35–61, 2020. [published version] [arXiv]
X. Gao, Y. Xu and S. Zhang. Randomized primal-dual proximal block coordinate updates. Journal of the Operations Research Society of China, 7(2), pp. 205–250, 2019. [arXiv]
Y. Xu. Asynchronous parallel primal-dual block coordinate update methods for affinely constrained convex programs. Computational Optimization and Applications, 72(1), pp. 87–113, 2019. [arXiv] [Slides]
Z. Peng, Y. Xu, M. Yan and W. Yin. On the Convergence of Asynchronous Parallel Iteration with Unbounded Delays. Special issue on Journal of the Operations Research Society of China, 7(1), pp. 5–42, 2019. [pdf]
N. Zhou, Y. Xu, H. Chen, Z. Yuan and B. Chen. Maximum Correntropy Criterion based Sparse Subspace Learning for Unsupervised Feature Selection. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 29(2), pp. 404–417, 2019.
D. Oliveira, H. Wolkowicz and Y. Xu. ADMM for the SDP relaxation of the QAP. Mathematical Programming Computation, 10(4), pp. 631–658, 2018. [code and more] [arXiv]
B. Liu, T. Xie, Y. Xu, M. Ghavamzadeh, Y. Chow, D. Lyu and D. Yoon. A Block Coordinate Ascent Algorithm for Mean-Variance Optimization, NeurIPS, pp. 1073–1083, 2018.
X. Li, J. Ren, S. Rambhatla, Y. Xu and J. Haupt. Robust PCA via dictionary based outlier pursuit, ICASSP, pp. 4699–4703, 2018.
Y. Xu. Hybrid Jacobian and Gauss-Seidel proximal block coordinate update methods for linearly constrained convex programming. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 28(1), pp. 646–670, 2018. [pdf]
Y. Chen, J. Zhang and Y. Xu. Adaptive lasso for accelerated hazards models. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 88(15), pp. 2948–2960, 2018.
Y. Xu and S. Zhang. Accelerated Primal-Dual Proximal Block Coordinate Updating Methods for Constrained Convex Optimization. Computational Optimization and Applications, 70(1), 91–128, 2018. [arXiv]
Y. Xu. On the convergence of higher-order orthogonality iteration. Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 66(11), pp. 2247–2265, 2018. [arXiv] [Slides]
F. Wen and Y. Xu. HOSVD Based Multidimensional Parameter Estimation for Massive MIMO System from Incomplete Channel Measurements. Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing, 29(4), pp. 1255–1267, 2018.
Y. Xu. Accelerated first-order primal-dual proximal methods for linearly constrained composite convex programming. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 27(3), 1459–1484, 2017. [pdf]
Y. Xu and W. Yin. A globally convergent algorithm for nonconvex optimization based on block coordinate update. Journal of Scientific Computing, 72(2), 700–734, 2017. [arXiv]
Y. Xu. Fast algorithms for higher-order singular value decomposition from incomplete data. Journal of Computational Mathematics, Special Issues on Optimization and Structured Solution, 35(4), 395–420, 2017. [arXiv] [code]
2016 and earlier
Z. Peng, Y. Xu, M. Yan and W. Yin. ARock: an algorithmic framework for asynchronous parallel coordinate updates. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 38(5), A2851–A2879, 2016. [arXiv] [code and more]
Z. Peng, T. Wu, Y. Xu, M. Yan and W. Yin. Coordinate Friendly Structures, Algorithms and applications. Annals of Mathematical Sciences and Applications, 1(1), pp. 57–119, 2016. [arXiv]
Y. Xu and W. Yin. A fast patch-dictionary method for whole image recovery. Inverse Problems and Imaging, 10(2), 563–583, 2016. [code and more] [arXiv]
N. Zhou, Y. Xu, H. Cheng, J. Fang and W. Pedrycz. Global and local structure preserving sparse subspace learning: an iterative approach to unsupervised feature selection. Pattern Recognition, 53, pp. 87–101, 2016. [arXiv]
Y. Xu and W. Yin. Block stochastic gradient iteration for convex and nonconvex optimization. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 25(3), 1686–1716, 2015. [pdf]
Y. Xu, R. Hao, W. Yin and Z. Su. Parallel matrix factorization for low-rank tensor completion. Inverse Problems and Imaging, 9(2), 601–624, 2015. [pdf] [code]
Y. Xu. Alternating proximal gradient method for sparse nonnegative Tucker decomposition. Mathematical Programming Computation, 7(1), 39–70, 2015. [code]
Y. Xu, I. Akrotirianakis and A. Chakraborty. Proximal gradient method for huberized support vector machine, Pattern Analysis and Applications, 19(4), 989–1005, 2015. [pdf]
Y. Xu, I. Akrotirianakis and A. Chakraborty. Alternating direction method of multipliers for regularized multiclass support vector machines. International Workshop on Machine Learning, Optimization and Big Data, 105–117, 2015. [arXiv]
Y. Xu, W. Yin and S. Osher. Learning circulant sensing kernels. Inverse Problems and Imaging 8(3), 901–923, 2014. [paper][code and more]
Y. Xu and W. Yin. A block coordinate descent method for regularized multi-convex optimization with applications to nonnegative tensor factorization and completion. SIAM Journal on imaging sciences, 6(3), pp. 1758–1789, 2013. [code and more]
M. Lai, Y. Xu and W. Yin. Improved iteratively reweighted least squares for unconstrained smoothed Lq minimization. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 51(2), pp. 927–957, 2013. [code]
Q. Ling, Y. Xu, W. Yin and Z. Wen. Distributed low-rank matrix completion. (ICASSP), pp. 2925–2928, 2012.
Y. Xu and J. Cui. Multitask n-Vehicle Exploration Problem: complexity and algorithms. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, pp. 1080–1092, 2012.
Y. Xu, W. Yin, Z. Wen and Y. Zhang. An alternating direction algorithm for matrix completion with nonnegative factors. Journal of Frontiers of Mathematics in China, Special Issues on Computational Mathematics (Springer), pp. 365–384, 2011. [code] [arXiv]
Technical Reports
H. Shi, S. Tu, Y. Xu and W. Yin. A Primer on Coordinate Descent Algorithms, 2016. [arXiv]
J. Shi, Y. Xu and R. Baraniuk. Sparse bilinear logistic regression, 2014. [arXiv]