
clear; close all;
rand('state',2013); randn('state',2013);

load LearnedDict; % load previously learned dictionary

[n,K] = size(D); % size of the learned dictionary

load buildmat  % load tested image
[nr,nc] = size(X); % get image size
qr = nr/8; % number of blocks in each row
qc = nc/8; % number of blocks in each column
m = 24; % number of samples

X_rc = zeros(nr,nc);  X_oc = zeros(nr,nc);  % to store recovered images

generate a random circulant

roM = randn(8);
rM = roM+1i*randn(8); rV = ifft2(rM)/8;

p = randsample(n,m); % randomly generate m samples
[A_rc,C_rc] = TwoDCir_operator(p,rV,D,K); % define operator for yall1

Learn 2D circulant kernel

% form the problem to get the optimized kernel
% see formula (3.13) in our paper
Y = zeros(n,K);
for i=1:K
    Y(:,i) = reshape(fft2(reshape(D(:,i),8,8))/8,n,1);
Ys = Y*Y'; Ys = (Ys+Ys')/2; H = conj(Ys).*Ys; f = diag(Ys);

% call Matlab function quadprog to solve the formed quadratic program
quadopts = optimset('Algorithm','active-set',...
u = quadprog(H,-f,[],[],[],[],zeros(n,1),[],[],quadopts);

% generate the optimized circulant
v = sqrt(u).*exp(2*1i*pi*rand(n,1)); % randomly generate the phase
V = reshape(v,8,8);
roV = ifft2(roM)/8;

% optimized plus random
% since using optimized only may lose some image features
V = 0.6*V/norm(V,'fro')+0.4*roV/norm(roV,'fro');
[A_oc,C_oc] = TwoDCir_operator(p,V,D,K); % define operator for yall1

Running solver

for j = 1:qc
    for i = 1:qr

        % partition original image into non-overlapping patches
        % do compressed sensing to each patch
        x0 = reshape(X(8*(i-1)+1:8*i,8*(j-1)+1:8*j),n,1);

        eta = randn(m,1); % generate Gaussian noise
        xstart = randn(K,1); % generate random starting point for yall1

        % using random circulant

        b = C_rc(x0); % get measurements for random circulant

        % specify parameters for yall1
        opts = [];   opts.x0 = xstart;        opts.tol = 1e-3;
        opts.rho = 0.01*max(abs(b))/max(abs(eta));

        b = b+0.01*eta*max(abs(b))/max(abs(eta)); % add noise

        % call yall1
        theta = yall1(A_rc,b,opts);

        % store recovered patches
        x_hat = D*theta;
        X_rc((i-1)*8+1:i*8,(j-1)*8+1:j*8) = reshape(x_hat,8,8);

        % using optimized circulant

        b = C_oc(x0); % measurement for optimized circulant

        % specify parameters for yall1
        opts = [];      opts.x0 = xstart;      opts.tol = 1e-3;
        opts.rho = 0.01*max(abs(b))/max(abs(eta));

        b = b+0.01*eta*max(abs(b))/max(abs(eta)); % add noise

        % call yall1
        [theta,out] = yall1(A_oc,b,opts);

        % store recovered patches
        x_hat = D*theta;
        X_oc((i-1)*8+1:i*8,(j-1)*8+1:j*8) = reshape(x_hat,8,8);
X_rc = real(X_rc); X_oc = real(X_oc);


fprintf('Random Circulant: PSNR = %4.2f\n',measerr(X,X_rc,max(X(:))));
fprintf('Optimized Circulant: PSNR = %4.2f\n',measerr(X,X_oc,max(X(:))));
title('Random Circulant','fontsize',12);

title('Optimized Circulant','fontsize',12);
Random Circulant: PSNR = 25.25
Optimized Circulant: PSNR = 27.09